
Posts Tagged ‘Alo-Hello4’

Yea baby its back Alo-Hello 4, with one member short (Koha 😦 ) But it is still here what do I want to expect?

Release date 06-16-010

Ai – More dorky Ai, from how she used to be with that piggy nose lolz X)

Risa – Hm… I don’t know TakaGaki lolz, she doesnt really suprise me

Eri – Funny baka Eri, I miss her being like super Baka

Sayumi – Kawaii BAKA Sayu, just forgetting simple stuff Sayu

Reina – ReIka for sure (I know it’s not going to happen) But last one she was like Kawaii, I miss her tough side AH I’M REINA, and her English it’s just so cute

Aika – I want her same happiness she had in the 3rd one even though in the 2nd one she was quiet, well she was new.

Junjun – Banana’s lolz her appetite is funny to me, she can eat her but off, even though it’s basically normal portions compared to America, (Come on 3 banana’s I might not like them but 3 is not a big deal lolz)

Linlin – English to funny, but she is good and she is so hyper and happy like Aika but a little stronger


There is also a PB sold seprate.

Release date 06-09-010

Um, KAWAII, I can’t really tell until I acutally see it, then I will give a review on it

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