
Posts Tagged ‘Saki’

Long awaited, Berryz koubou 23rd single cover has been released.

Release Date – 07-14-010

All versions are above. I must say one of the best covers I seen from them so far it isnt like there just standing there like usual I like to seem them actually posing everyone once in a while. “Maji” is used often with this group lolz, I hope the actual song is good, and I’m happy they are done with double singles, I don’t like that for some reason.

I know in this group everone gets a little shine, but I want more from Chii, she is really good. And to tell you even though this isnt my favorite H!P group, I do like them line’s wise, everyone gets a little solo, and I might think that Rii doesnt need all of hers, they surely give out lines way more then C-ute (I can’t ever turn on C-ute though everyone since 2006 they made me a H!P fan, so I am grateful)

Gambette Berryz you guys can pull off a big hit like Special generation

Source : H!P

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